Friday, September 21, 2007

The Prerogative of a Lit major

My sister pointed out the fact to me that it was odd/slightly ironic that I was so disturbed by the "Young Living Family Farm" sign. She thinks it's funny because I am a notoriously bad speller and often times, she claims, that my grammar isn't too keen. But you see...that's the prerogative of a Lit Major. Yes, I am a horrible speller. I'll be the first to admit it. That however, doesn't mean that I don't understand how or why something doesn't make sense. I know the difference between your and you're. Their, they're, there. Where, wear. It's and its. I understand these differences and I understand the difference between "Young Living Family Farm" and "Young Family Living Farm". It makes a difference. I understand the rules of the English language, better than most. But I am human and can be lazy. And I think it would make me sound like a pompous fool if I spoke "proper" English 100% of the time. Try it'll sound ridiculous. I love words. And it drives me nuts when people misuse them...subject/verb agreement drives me sounds awkward and clunky and it's even more difficult to verbally express. Yes...i say stupid things. I say many stupid things. I say things that don't make sense....doesn't mean i don't know better. I do, but in the words of Uh-huh from the movie "Little Rascals" when everyone exclaims he's learned a new word..."Actually, I've always had a rather extensive vocabulary. I simply chose not to employ it."


Wendy said...

Heehee. You are so right. I reserve the right to slaughter the rules of grammar at every turn and point to my "literary voice" for my excuse, but I equally reserve the right to point out the grammar failures of others- especially on signs and in advertisements.

Kelly said...

yes! I'm glad someone else understands that. :-P

pixiestylist said...

i totally agree!!! i've thought extensively about a "lit major". but i dont think i have it in me. but i do LOVE to point out others' flaws... hmmm...

Tricia said...

Hi! I work for the Young Living Family Farm (It is actually now the Young Living Lavender Farm.) It is called the Young Living Farm because it is owned by the company Young Living ( It is a great farm where families can go to have fun and connect with nature. I hope that helps explain the sign.