Monday, May 14, 2007

A New Tradition has been born...

Yesterday we had "La Fiesta de Nos Madre". It was Patrick's idea and we actually had a lot of fun. Usually for Mother's Day we have a formal-ish dinner in the dinning room. Steak and potatoes or pot roast or something like that. This year we had tacos, fruit salad, chips/dip, guacamole and we ate outside on the patio and of course, it wouldn't have been a Fiesta without a Pinata. Yes, we had a pinata. All the grandkids took turns whacking it. Lauren and Logan did it with a blindfold and Aidan just took a couple of whacks. Lauren actually ended up knocking the head off and the Rob (the oldest brother) took the stick and really attacked the poor, decapitated bull. The candy exploded everywhere and he even managed to break some of the candy...jolly ranchers and a few tootsie rolls. But all in all, it was a lot of fun. We got some good pictures, which i'll have to get from Annie and post. So i think now instead of doing the more formal sit down dinner, we have started a new tradition..."La Fiesta de Nos Madre" complete with a pinata.


Wendy said...

That sounds so fun!