Monday, December 6, 2010


Tell me, is it morally wrong of me to suddenly want a Nook? Not just want but really want? I know. I'm a literary purist snob. I love the smell of dusty book covers and old leather. I love the feel of a worn and loved book cover. There's something comforting about the weight of book. It's reassuring and exciting. They're old friends that can remind you of moments in the past. Whenever I look at my bookshelves that are crammed full, overflowing with delightful stories and old friends, I can't help but sigh in contentment.

And yet...I really want a Nook. I hang my head in shame....


Alan said...

If you were to get an iPad, you could use one of these.

Grandma Cebe said...

The world must be coming to an end.

Jen said...

Dear Kelly - There's absolutely, positively nothing wrong with wanting a Nook/Kindle/iPad for reading. Reading is reading - it's spectacular that you do it - never, ever hang your head in shame. Just be sure to still buy a few books, too ('cause books are books, and we all need us some books) - and be sure to buy independent!

Absolvingly - Jen, an independent bookseller

Sara Bildner said...

I have a nook i was given as a gift and I feel guilty sometimes, but mostly I LOVE IT!!