Sunday, November 13, 2011


I started perusing and here's a quick wish list...


I haven't blogged a ton lately. It's been pretty busy with school and work PLUS a serious case of procrastinationitis and being all trunky with graduating next semester. But I feel the urge to let the interwebs know what I've been up to. It's not that exciting, really, but I just can't seem to help myself. It's more of a compulsion, really. Sorry but, lately I have...

  • bought delightfully soft and cushy slippers. Seriously, they're fantastic
  • made new friends...which, considering how much free time I have, is nothing short of a miracle
  • saw my niece play a goose in Charlotte's Webb...ah, junior high productions. Memories of awkwardness and overacting came rushing back to me
  • "cooked" more
  • got to know some of the folks of my new cohort - they're actually nice! Something new and different for the MAT program!
  • laughed so hard I almost Sacrament meeting
  • not slept nearly enough
  • spent far too much time on pinterest
  • found tons of fun crafts and things I'd love to do on pinterest but will most likely not get around to doing any time in the near future
  • purchased a teakettle. Hot chocolate season is upon us!
  • suppressed the urge to bury my heal in a guy's cranium
  • submitted my graduation application for next semester...woot!
  • planned a trip to Paris
  • canceled said trip to Paris
  • trying to get ready for student teaching next semester
  • served in that Baptistry at the Salt Lake Temple. LOVE it!