Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The joy of faculty meeting...

I got a shout out today during our Faculty Meeting because of some data analysis that I worked really hard on. I didn't do it to get attention, I did it to make sense of the mountain of student data that has been thrown at me. My principle was impressed and wanted to recognize the hard work and effort I had put into it. A coworker, semi-jokingly, rubbed her nose (as in brown noser) at me. Why do we have to be so competitive with each other? Why are we do hard on ourselves and each other? I would say that I am a fairly ambitious individual. I have set goals and worked hard to achieve them. However, I don't (I hope) achieve my goals at the expense of others. Why do we have to be so competitive?


Al Christensen said...

The book "The Peter Principle" says that in a hierarchy where advancement is limited (like in the academic world), people tend to get petty or even try to sabotage each other in order to move up an imaginary rung on the imaginary ladder of status.

heidikins said...

How annoying, I'm sorry. I think teachers (or humans) like that, who put others down for their success, is part of the problem, especially in OSD (I've seen some of their numbers too here at my office).
