I have had an incredibly lazy summer. That is partly due to exhaustion and lack of funds. The last session of summer school for Ogden School District starts tomorrow and I am teaching English I...aka 9th grade English. I've been putting off planning and thinking about it until the last possible moment. After being so extremely lazy for so long, my brain was having a difficult time making the transition to teacher.
However, as I was driving home from Salt Lake this evening I got that little twinge in my stomach. It's a mix of nerves and excitement at being back in the classroom. Fortunately, it's only for two weeks and then I get a couple of weeks off until school begins in earnest. I'm not sure if I'll teach summer school next summer or not. But this time around, even though I've been dreading it, I think it will be a good way to ease me back into teaching. Last spring wasn't an ideal situation and I was really just trying to survive. I'm looking forward to starting fresh and setting my rules and expectations from the get go.
At times I get a little uncertain about where or how to start...particularly when thinking about my actual, physical classroom (it's kind of a disaster). Yet, I'm excited to get back to it and do what I love.
....and it won't hurt to have some money in the bank again.
Just sayin...
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